12 Gin and Tonic Garnishes for you to try

Here are 12 Gin and Tonic garnishes you must try. 

'Ice and a Slice' might be a thing of the past, but if you like a wedge of lemon in your G&T, go for it!

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to garnishes. Simply look at the botanicals used in the gin and choose a garnish that will complement, contrast or boost the ingredient.

 Pink Grapefruit

Pink Grapefruit


rose petal and cucumber gin and tonic Rose petal and cucumber


Orange gin and tonic Orange

 strawberry and mint gin and tonic

Mint and strawberry

 lavender and lemon gin and tonic

Lavender and lemon 

lemon and thyme gin and tonic

Lemon and thyme 

Lime and jalapeño

Lime and jalapeño  

Apple and juniper gin and tonic

Apple and juniper

Strawberry and basil gin and tonic Strawberry and basil

 Lime and ginger gin and tonic

Lime and ginger

Rosemary and black pepper gin and tonic

 Rosemary and black pepper 

Capisicum and basil gin and tonic

Capsicum and basil

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