Ambleside Distillers

Ambleside Distillers opened in November 2017. It's a true family affair with Trudy and Steve, together with their son Matt, each creating a signature gin based on their flavour preferences.

Matt was working in London just as Sipsmith opened in 2006. If you recall, Sipsmith was the first gin distillery to open in London for 200 years and played a huge part in the gin renaissance. Seeing the response to the new wave of gins, when Matt returned to Australia he began discussing the idea of opening a distillery with his parents, where they live in Hahndorf, a busy tourist town with German style architecture, only about 45 minutes from the centre of Adelaide.

It's a beautiful location. The Steve and Trudy have created a lovely botanical garden along the path to the distillery. The bright airy space has a fantastic bar with a great cocktail list. If the sun is shining, you can browse the menu while enjoying the views of the surrounding fields from the perfectly positioned deck!

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